Eines der interessantesten Hintergrundstatements über das Machtspiel EZ vs US/UK mit Griechenland als Spielfigur
Posting von DT, 13.03.2012, 00:54:
Von Zerohedge:
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Zusammenfassung: GR ist von ultimativer Wichtigkeit für die Amis und UK (BP) wegen der Energieflüsse durch den Bosporus und durch den Suezkanal. Zypern ist wie ein großer Aircraft Carrier. GR ist leicht zu beeinflussen, solange man einfach nur das Oligopol der großen Familien kontrolliert.
Würde man das große Gasfeld der Griechen ausbeuten, könnten sie unabhängiger werden und auch Europa Energieflüsse in Euro bescheren. Das kann den Pfund- und Dollarheinis der CoL und Wallstreet nicht gefallen.
Bemerkung von mir: und deren Propagandaposaunen tröten deren Lieder. Wenn man jetzt nur wüßte, welche Rolle dabei Köhler und Wulff gespielt haben...
Ich stimme Zerohedge zu: Schäube ist nicht blöd, er ist einer der gerissensten und gefährlichsten Politiker. Wenn die Story echt wäre, hätten Schäuble und Merkel doch letzten Endes deutsche Interessen im Blick, können das aber nicht öffentlich sagen.
Aber nach wie vor ist die mir einleuchtendere Erklärung, daß sie nur Vasallen der dt./europ. Oligarchen und letzten Endes Erfüllungsgehilfen der Besatzer zum Eintreiben der Reparationen des 2+4 Vertrags sind. Denn die Besatzer hätten im Sommer 1990 niemals so schnell Kohls Wiedervereinigung eingewilligt, ohne daß Kohl die Hosen komplett ausgezogen hätte. Köhler war dabei, der sollte es wissen. Vielleicht sollte ich mal Genscher in Wachtberg besuchen, der könnte doch mal die Wahrheit rauslassen...
What are the facts and what are the options for Greece. And what does this mean for the Euro.
First of all its a pipedream that Germany is leaving the Euro. It would be just the same as the idea that the US are leaving the Dollar. The Question is different. Can the Europeans (except UK) manage to keep Greece within the Eurozone or does Washington and London have the upper hand and Greece is seperating itself from the Euro and thereby from the influence of the ECB and Eurolands policy and strategic goals.
Fact is, Greece is a corrupt mess starting from the heads of the state and the so called elite, which is simply an oligolic family group holding a power grip on Greece.
These super rich families, Onassis, Niarchos, Papandreou and whatever is their name acted in the past in close cooperation with the military junta and was backed by strong UK and US interest in the region. The island of Cyprus is like an giant aircraft carier controlling the flows of oil and all other goods coming in and out of the Suez Canal as well as the traffic in and out of the Bosporus in front of Istambul the only naval gateway to the Black Sea. The Black Sea region as well as the neigboring Caspian Sea region is the region where the US lost an important battle (war in Georgia) against Russia over the controll of the fossil fuel riches in this region.
So Greece is of enormous importance for the US strategy to control the worlds energy flows. Therefore it does not like, that Greece is developing into a more democratic society , away from the easy to control oligopolic structure. This would be of huge disadvantage for the US interests.
Besides its strategic importance, Greece is at the same time, a very near future high potent energy producer. A producer which is closely located to the very huge European market. So there is lots of profit to be made since it is very easy to bring these riches to the consumers in Europe. Greece's energy resources consist mainly out of a gigantic natural gas field located mainly within the waters of Grece and Cyprus. This gas field stretches form the Greek waters, to Turkey, Syria, Libanon, Israel and the Gaza strip.
And this is where the problems starts. Imagine Euroland pumping out of the ground a huge part of its own energy needs without the need to use US Dollars for payment. That would be the death stroke for the US Dollar since there would be by nature of its own a situation occur, that energy in Europe is priced in Euros parallel to prices in US Dollars.
The options:
1) The US and UK succeed with their strategy to keep Greece within their sphere of influence. This plan has the backing from the present ruling oligopol in Greece. The families which are members of this oligopol could continue to suck honey under the protection of the US and UK guns. However, the bulk part of the riches of Greece would in this case flow to big oil such as BP etc. . Only little of these riches would find their way to the bulk of Greece's population.
2) The population of Geece is not stupid and as a matter of fact many Greeks know quite a lot about this situation and also what could be the role of the EU especially Germany in this game. Many Greeks have personal contacts and relatives living in Germany so they know the advantages and disdvantages of both sytems. The Greek system bankrupt, corrupt and simply not functioning.
On the other side the German system, somehow strange to them but the advantages are clear to see. The main advantage of the European system of which Germany is a leading representative lies in the fact that most countries in Europe are true democraties while Greece hasn't reached this state, despite the fact that Greece was the birthplace of democracy. Greece is still suffering from its past under a military dictatorship which ended officially just twenty years ago or so. The system that followed this dictatorship directly and without mayor upheavals is the present one. As it is common knowledge to become the elected leader of Greece is even today more a matter of familiy ties and other networks.
So Greek is now in the midle of a gigantic power play and poor Greeks are suffering and held hostage to the strategic interest of US and the UK. The moment the US would give the Greeks the permission to drill for the gas riches of Greece and would further give permission to Greece to stay within the Eurozone and sell this gas within the Eurozone for Euros, that my friends would be the start into a better future for the ordinary Greek. But its hard to see on the horizon.